Pillow Thoughts by Courtney Peppernell: A Book Review

Overview of Pillow Thoughts

Pillow Thoughts by Courtney Peppernell is a collection of poetry that explores heartbreak, love, and self-discovery in a relatable and raw way.

I was hesitant to pick up this book at first. However, after hearing rave reviews from friends and stumbling upon some of Peppernell’s work on social media, I decided to give it a chance.

From the first page, I was hooked. Peppernell’s words are powerful yet gentle, weaving together themes of vulnerability and courage in a way that feels like she’s speaking directly to you.

What is Pillow Thoughts about?

One of the standout features of Pillow Thoughts is its use of poetry and prose. The style is simple yet effective in conveying powerful messages that resonate with readers from all walks of life.

Whether you’re going through a tough time in your relationship or trying to find yourself after a breakup, there’s something in this book for everyone.

Overall, Pillow Thoughts is an incredibly relatable read that will make you laugh, cry and feel inspired.

Pros and Cons of Pillow Thoughts


  • The book is written in a simple and accessible language that readers can easily relate to.
  • It covers a wide range of topics including love, heartbreak, mental health, self-love, and growth.
  • The book is organized into different sections that allow readers to navigate through the content easily.
  • The author uses metaphors and imagery throughout the book which adds depth and emotion to the writing.
  • Pillow Thoughts encourages readers to reflect on their own experiences and emotions giving them insight into their own lives.


  • Some readers may find the writing style too simplistic or lacking in depth.
  • The content may not resonate with everyone as it is very personal to the author’s experiences.
  • Some readers may find some of the poems repetitive or similar in theme.
  • Some critics argue that Courtney Peppernell’s work lacks originality compared to other contemporary poets such as Rupi Kaur or Lang Leav.
  • Pillow Thoughts might not be suitable for people who are looking for a more traditional poetry collection with structured rhyme schemes and metered verse arrangements.

Readers’ Review

One of the standout features of Pillow Thoughts is its use of poetry and prose. The style is simple yet effective in conveying powerful messages that resonate with readers from all walks of life.

Whether you’re going through a tough time in your relationship or trying to find yourself after a breakup, there’s something in this book for everyone.

Overall, Pillow Thoughts is an incredibly relatable read that will make you laugh, cry and feel inspired.

This is laid out in a series of chapters for what you may need. So if you’re dealing with heartbreak, just go to that chapter and there will be pages of things you probably need to hear. If you’re dealing with depression, there are pages validating you, loving you, lifting you. It’s all free verse poetry, and I really enjoyed it. I consider a poetry book “good” when I just HAVE to put the book down, take a deep breath, and read and feel it again cause it just hit so deep. Not many books can get that kind of reaction, but there were definitely a few here.


This book is just so good. I was worried I wouldn’t enjoy the majority of it because I wasn’t sure what exactly would be put into it, but it’s so good. 10/10 I would definitely recommend


I really liked this book.
I’ve recently gone through my ex of 9 years leaving me, and it has been such a difficult time. A lot has happened, and recently I broke my ankle and I’m currently in hospital after having surgery. This year has been the worst in my life, and I wanted to order some poetry books to find solace in. It’s been soothing for my soul – thank you.


Some Poems From Pillow Thoughts

With every page turn, you can’t help but feel drawn in by the raw vulnerability that Peppernell brings to her writing.

Her words are powerful and soothing as they take you through your thoughts and emotions.

Reading this book feels like having a heartfelt conversation with someone who truly understands what it means to struggle with life’s challenges.

It’s a comforting reminder that no matter what we go through, there is always hope for better days ahead. Here are some of the noteworthy poems from the collection below:

Taken From Page 60

I tried to stop loving you
so I built walls around my heart
and found other names
to whisper in the night.
But you carved yourself into my veins
whether you meant to or not.
And sometimes I wonder
if you remember the way we looked at each other
or maybe you just forgot.

Taken From Page 63

My heart is not in my body
it’s lying under the castle you burned down.
Yet I am still here
an empty shell with bloodshot eyes
and a fake smile.

Taken From Page 67

Don’t date broken girls,
my mother said.
“But they deserve to be loved too.”
And so I loved a broken girl more than anything,
I just didn’t realise she would break me too.

Taken From Page 72

It hurts a little and sometimes a lot
when you care about someone
but you’re both kind of messy
and the timing is all wrong
and you don’t feel like
kissing someone else
but you can’t force what’s not
and letting someone in
is scary enough
but even scarier
when your heart
isn’t as strong.

Taken From Page 73

I picked up all your things
and I put them in a box.
I was going to send them back to you
all those things you gave me
when you promised I was the only thing you needed.
And then I realised
I can’t put every kiss in the box
or return every “I love you”
I can’t return every time I held you
or unwrite every love letter I wrote you
I can’t undo every time I touched you
or unhear the way you said my name
I can’t send back every “you’re beautiful”
because things will never be the same.
What am I going to do with all these things
if I can never pack them away?

Final Thoughts on Pillow Thoughts

In conclusion, Pillow Thoughts by Courtney Peppernell offers a transformative journey through heartfelt poetry, inviting readers to explore their own emotions and find solace within its pages.

With its ability to provide comfort and validation, this book has touched the hearts and souls of numerous readers.

While some may find familiar themes within its verses, the power of Peppernell’s words cannot be denied.

Pillow Thoughts is a testament to the enduring art of poetry and its capacity to heal and inspire.

Bentinck is a bestselling author in Caribbean and Latin American Poetry, he is a multifaceted individual who excels as both an artist and educator.

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